How to write a story

How to write a story?

How to write a movie script, a novel, a song, a music video, a documentary, a comedy sketch…?

In this blog, you will find tools, concepts and tutorials to improve your plots, deepen your characters, develop your narrative themes, in short: to think better about storytelling.

How to write a song?

Parts of a song and writing lyrics How to write song lyrics? First, by knowing well the structures needed for composition. Of course, there are many ways to organize a song. It is up to you to decide how you organize it. However, there are some common musical structures that are an excellent starting point.

How to write a song? Read more »

Dramatic tension, a tool for creating strong plots and improving weak plots

Why caring about dramatic tension? Writing a story without a deep meaning, without highlights, emotionally flat, structurally muddled, with weak and incoherent characters, is very easy: juste take a sheet of paper, write anything, without plan or preparation, and voila, it is ready – good for the trash most of the time. But writing a

Dramatic tension, a tool for creating strong plots and improving weak plots Read more »

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